Please read the Disclaimer in Part One!
Spoilers: None to speak of
Xenite Disclaimer for Part Three: The Amazons' carefully calculated sleeping arrangements were not harmed in the production of this fanfic.
As the little group entered the Amazon village, faces appeared in doorways and windows and paths, waving and smiling. Lilla stayed back a little bit, pacing Xena, and watched her sister blend into this gathering of potent women. The young brunette was surprised to realize that the Amazons greeted Gabrielle not just with respect, but with real emotion -- real love. She's not just their queen, she's their friend, Lilla realized. She smiled slightly to herself, almost reassured by the notion. Gabrielle hasn't changed that much, after all.
The little party proceeded through the village to the door of a slightly larger cabin, where they stopped. "Ephiny!" called Eponin, tightening her lips in an effort to contain her grin. "We have company." The younger Amazons tittered quietly, nudging each other.
"What now?" said a peevish voice. There was a rustling from inside, and then a figure appeared in the doorway. "I can hardly get - Gabrielle!" she exclaimed, her annoyance disappearing in a flash as Eponin burst out laughing and Gabrielle broke into a wide smile of pleasure. The two women embraced warmly.
"Ephiny! By the Gods, it's good to see you again."
"It's been too long. Far too long. You've been missed. And you too, Xena," the Queen-Regent added, offering her arm to Xena. "Welcome."
"Thanks," the warrior said diffidently, clasping the Amazon's arm. Lilla's eyes widened at her expression -- Xena seemed almost ... embarrassed?
Now the main Amazon was turning her cool gaze on Lilla, and Gabrielle jumped in quickly to make the introduction. "Ephiny, this is my sister Lilla. Lilla, this is Ephiny, queen of the Amazons."
"Pleased-" Lilla began, before Ephiny interrupted her with a quick, strong hug.
"Welcome, Lilla. I've heard a lot about you."
"Oh, um ... me too," Lilla replied, taken aback. "I mean, about you. I mean-"
"I'm sure!" Ephiny agreed heartily. "Well, this calls for a celebration!" She looked around at the other Amazons, who were watching expectantly. Lilla heard Gabrielle take a quick breath, but she said nothing. "A celebration," Ephiny repeated to the village at large, "in honor of our Queen's visit. We'll begin the festivities tonight at dinner." The younger Amazons gave exclamations of delight. Ephiny raised her eyebrows at Eponin, who gave a sarcastic grin.
"The Queen wants a party, so a party we're gonna have," Eponin told the teenagers authoritatively. "And you know what that means." She waited; they watched her expectantly, blankly. "Someone has to get things set up," Eponin explained patiently. The girls groaned loudly in chorus. Eponin laughed.
"Come on, no griping! Let's get a move on! The sooner started, the sooner finished!" She waved a quick salute at Gabrielle and left, trailed by her small gang of students.
"Well," said Ephiny to the travelers, "don't just stand around here, come on in. I'll make some tea. You three look tired! How long have you been traveling?"
"Not too long," Gabrielle said as they followed Ephiny into her hut. "Thanks, Ephiny."
The Amazon turned back to look at them. "You know, you could have stopped me. We don't have to have a big party. You look like you could do with some peace and quiet."
"I could," Gabrielle agreed. "We could. But I'm still the queen. I can't just appear after all this time and not be sociable." She dropped into one of Ephiny's chairs. Lilla, diffidently, feeling more and more out of place, slipped to the least obtrusive corner of the room.
"Anyway, you've given us the entire rest of the afternoon, and I'm sure that'll be long enough," Gabrielle went on. She didn't look at Xena, but held Ephiny's gaze as she said, "We really need a few days to recover from ... everything."
"I understand," Ephiny said gravely, although it wasn't clear to Lilla how much the Queen-Regent really understood. "You know that you are welcome here for as long as you need. And after the party tonight, I'll make sure everyone else leaves you alone."
"Thanks," Gabrielle said gratefully. "I'm sure we won't need to spend all our time alone, though. I definitely want to spend some time getting caught up with you, and Solari, and Anaira ... Where is Anaira?" she asked suddenly, looking around Ephiny's home.
Ephiny tried, it was clear, to keep her expression and her tone neutral, but none of the other three women could help but see how her eyes hardened and her face grew still. "I'm sure she's around here somewhere," she said tightly, her voice roughened by the obvious effort to keep emotion out of it. "One of the scouts could find her for you, if that's what you want."
"Um ... well, no, I mean, that's not necessary," Gabrielle demurred, maintaining her own poise while sharing a concerned glance with Xena. "I can catch up with her later." She looked over at her sister. "Actually, I'm kind of tired right now. Maybe a few minutes' rest is the thing."
"Of course. You've been traveling and everything. I should have realized you'd be exhausted," Ephiny said apologetically. "Listen, you and Xena can stay in the same cabin you used last time -- we keep it empty for important visitors." She forced a friendly smile, which became more genuine as Gabrielle returned it. "Your sister can sleep in the trainees' barracks, if she doesn't mind -- there are always a couple of extra beds."
"Do you mind?" Gabrielle asked anxiously, turning to Lilla. "Spending the night among a bunch of rowdy teenagers probably isn't your idea of a-"
"I'm sure it will be fine," Lilla told her with more confidence than she felt. "After all, I'm the Queen's sister, aren't I?"
Gabrielle smiled again. "That you are." She rose and turned her attention to Xena, who had been leaning against the wall by the doorway, watching the proceedings in silence. "Xena?"
"I think some down-time before the party is a great idea," the warrior replied coolly, pushing away from the wall and gesturing to the door. "After you."
"I'll get someone to show you-" Ephiny began.
"I remember where it is," Xena interrupted. "But Lilla could probably use a guide."
"Of course." Ephiny led the way as they all stepped back out into the sunshine. "Where's a good -- Lirin!"
A lanky teenager had been lounging, elaborately casual, in the small clearing in front of Ephiny's hut. At her commander's call she stepped forward, half guiltily, half excitedly.
"My Queen!" she said. "I mean, my Queens. I mean...."
"It's all right," Gabrielle said, laughing. "How have you been, Lirin? You're looking well."
"Yes, thank you, Queen Gabrielle," the girl stammered, turning a little red. "I've -- my training continues."
"Good to hear."
"Lirin, please show the Queen's sister to the training barracks and find her a bed," Ephiny instructed. "And don't talk her ear off, she's tired from all her travels."
"Yes, my Queen," the youth acquiesced, tearing her gaze from Xena to bestow a look of awe on Lilla. "This way, my ... um...."
"Lilla," said Lilla, moving to follow the girl, feeling somewhat relieved. At least, an awkward teenager she could handle.
"Thanks for everything, Ephiny," Gabrielle said wearily, turning to embrace her friend again. "I just need to rest for a little bit, and then I'll come find you, and we can talk."
"Sure," Ephiny agreed. "Take as long as you need."
"So, you've met Gabrielle and Xena before," Lilla said to her guide as she followed the girl through the village. Lirin glanced over her shoulder at her charge, and seemed to decide that Ephiny's injunction against talking didn't extend to answering questions.
"Yes, I was here for the Great Battle last year," she answered enthusiastically. "Gabrielle stopped the battle and brought the renegades back to the true Amazon Way."
Lilla, who had heard Gabrielle's account of the same events, smiled slightly but didn't contradict. "It must have been very exciting."
"Oh, yes." Lirin looked indecisive for a moment and then burst out, "Gabrielle is the bravest person in the world, ever! Well, except maybe Xena. Artemis chose Gabrielle specially to be our Queen because she knew Gabrielle was braver and wiser than any other mortal."
"Really?" Lilla murmured, not sure whether to laugh the girl's comments off, or take them seriously. "Artemis?"
"It's the absolute truth," Lirin vowed solemnly. "Here's the barracks. You can have the bed next to mine! Yasha won't mind. She's on a scouting expedition for the next moon anyway." She led Lilla down the middle of a double row of beds, which lined each wall of a long hall. "This one's mine, and you can have that one. I'll find you another blanket before bedtime, it can get chilly." She paused and looked anxiously at Lilla. "I didn't talk your ear off, did I?"
"No, you were fine," Lilla reassured her. "I want to hear more about Gabrielle and the renegades, too." The teenager beamed. "But now I would like to lie down and rest a bit," Lilla added. "My feet are really tired."
"Sure, of course," Lirin said hastily. "I'll just leave you alone. I'll tell the others not to disturb you either. We'll probably be outside in the square if you need anything, or ... anything."
"Thank you," Lilla said politely, and sat down on the bed to take off her chafing shoes.
Xena and Gabrielle walked to the cabin, which was close to Ephiny's, in gentle silence. Once inside, Gabrielle kicked off her shoes and sat gratefully on the bed, while Xena laid her chakram on the small table and occupied herself with the buckles fastening her scabbard to her leathers.
"You know," said the warrior quietly, "you really could have said no to the party. If you just told them you were too tired, they'd have understood."
"I know," Gabrielle sighed, making a pained face. "But I am the queen, and it would be rude. And anyway, it'll be nice to see all of them again, get reacquainted, find out what's been going on with everyone since last time we were here." She paused, and brooded for a moment. "Xena ... would you do me a favor?"
"Anything," Xena said, walking over to stand beside the bed, putting a hand lightly, tenderly on the bard's shoulder. Gabrielle could see that Xena knew what she was going to ask, but she asked it anyway.
"Go find Anaira. Find her, and find out what's going on between her and Ephiny. They were so happy the last time we...." She trailed off, shaking her head tiredly. Her eyes prickled with unshed tears, born of fatigue, which she blinked away. I really am worn out.
"Whatever it is, we'll work it out," Xena told her gently, squeezing her shoulder, then moving her hand to brush a stray piece of hair back from Gabrielle's forehead. The bard nodded.
"I'll come back and tell you what I find out," Xena promised, letting her fingers linger briefly on Gabrielle's cheek. Then she turned and headed for the door. As she closed it behind her, she could see Gabrielle already lying back on the bed, draping one arm across her eyes.
Xena slid the door shut as quietly as she could and then turned to survey the Amazon village, smoothing her frown of concern into a grimacing half-smile of self-confidence as she gave herself to the thrill of the hunt.
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